

SHINE with Confidence, Compassion, Connection, Collaboration, Community, Consideration, and the Celebration of Others.

Are you ready to STEP out into the world and SHINE? Success is what happens to you, significance is what happens through you. SHINE with significance.

It’s time to Shine like a BOSS – Building Others, Sowing Serving

God sees if we are humble enough to serve before, he elevates us to lead.

Hello my beautiful friend! Welcome to my crazy, fun filled world with everything from cooking, preaching, singing, dancing, family to romance, city life to country. I love my life and all that it is. It’s the BOSS life and I’m asking you to join me for the journey as I share with you sweet morsels of truth, highlight stories from famous and not so famous but yet fabulous people with success stories that will make you go “huh” or “wow” or “c’mon” and move you to tears in the process.

I want to challenge you to imagine something bigger, something greater than what you think you deserve not because of anything you have done, but what has been done for you. It’s time for your spirit to soar, for your soul to rage with passion, …no longer satisfied with crumbs…the difference between a life falling just short of “potential” and one soaring in purpose.

The difference between you working to just get through a day, striving to stay alive, and you approaching each day as if it were a great adventure, thriving in the fullness and feeling as if there is a power behind you, a force pushing you forward even when you don’t have the strength.

“Your place of pain will become your place of power and promotion.” – Michelle Robinson

A God made woman lives her life for purpose not power. She encourages, lifts others, and is life giving, and doesn’t use manipulation, intimidation and control to achieve but instead prays and asks God for wisdom and the Holy Spirit for insight as she takes steps towards achieving.

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There is a time for everything under the sun, a season for every thing. There are moments in life, where our very existence depends on our ability to put those boots on (that’s what we do in Texas) and Shine Like a Boss! Moments when our success in business, our commitment to motherhood, our dedication to marriage, our loyalty to friendship requires more from us than we feel is in us. You know, those moments life slaps us in the face and we wanna go crawl under the covers.

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Michelle’s newest book!

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“Michelle Robinson is a bundle of energy; a veritable wellspring of love, joy, and enthusiasm; and an incredible communicator of a message that can transform the world. Her passion for her work is only exceeded by her compassion for those who hurt. She truly brings life, hope, and healing to everyone she encounters.”
—Ministry Leader, Ken Abraham, 18 times New York Times bestseller


As we cruise along on this journey together, you will feel like one of the family. I invite you into my life to eat good food, share great conversation, and celebrate the important moments together. We don’t have to agree. In my family it’s rare we all agree on a given issue. We are so not politically correct around the table because we know that no matter what we say, we can’t mess it up with each other (laughing now).

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