
Join our God Crazy team as we celebrate you, a WOW woman, a true woman of worth born to walk in FREEDOM and fullness, a woman of strength, kindness, forgiveness, love, compassion, wisdom, and success. I celebrate you as a wife, mother, friend, sister, a woman in business, a CEO of your home, a woman who walks in truth and who collaborates with other women, who is not about EGO but about celebrating others in their mountain-top highs, a woman who is filled with compassion for those who are broken. 

“YOU my God Crazy, sister! YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made in HIS image.”

You are a woman of true beauty. True beauty. YOU know who you are, a force to be reckoned with. I want to hear your story. We want to hear your story. Send us a two-minute video of you or someone you know who is the ultimate WOW woman. They will be entered in our WOW Woman Contest for 2020, and winners will be announced right here on our website throughout the year. Click here to find out more information.

We want to hear your heart, so submit your story with us, share our site with others, and become a part of the WOW movement.

I LOVE YOU ALL, and most of all, I LOVE celebrating your worth. God Crazy  – Michelle Robinson

More than a great idea: “A God Crazy Retreat” This book was such a life changing experience for so many of us that we culminated this experience by hosting a “God Crazy” retreat where we were extremely blessed to host the author Michelle  Robinson as our speaker. There are no words that can capture what having Michelle personally minister to our women did. She is a woman that inspires both spiritually and in very practical ways. Each woman left that retreat with a renewed vision and personal plan for her life. We will never be the same.

– Mary Merriweather, Pastor’s wife and Director of Women’s Ministries, Northeast Community Fellowship Foursquare Church, Portland, Ore.